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Use Turn Watcher to quickly and secretly make separate die rolls for each character by clicking on one of the colored dice icons on the toolbar. The computer will automatically sort the players and monsters on the appropriate column.
When a character chooses to delay his action, click on the Delay button on the toolbar. The character status changes to Delayed. Once the character is ready to jump in, click on the Jump In button. If more than one combat participant is delayed, Turn Watcher will ask you which one is jumping in.
When a character chooses to ready an action, click on the Ready button on the toolbar. The character ...
Were you looking for my post about Hit Points, Temporary Hit Points, Bleeding, and Death instead of this Turn Watcher reference?
Turn Watcher is also a Hit Point Tracker.
When a PC or monster takes damage in combat, highlight the appropriate character and click on the Damage button. Enter the amount of damage and press the Add Damage button. Note that this does not change the initiative order as ...
When a combatant either creates an effect or is subject to an effect that lasts more than one round, Turn Watcher can track that effect for you. In fact, many effects on multiple combatants may be tracked similarly.
To add an effect, make sure the subject of the effect is highlighted in the main window, then click the "plus" button located on the effects panel:
A dialog will appear ...
Now you are ready to actually start using Turn Watcher in your game!
It's easy to make Turn Watcher a valuable tool in your GM arsenal. The basics are:
The very first time you start ...
While running a game, you, the Game Master, are expected to run your combat encounters smoothly and efficiently. We know that sometimes encounters are straight-forward and easy to monitor, but what if they become more complicated? How do you keep track of Orc number 12's hit points? How can you know exactly when a character will bleed out? How do you keep track of a character's new ...
The following summary will give you all the information you need to start using Turn Watcher in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
If you have two monitors, make sure to read about the Player HUD.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
A great product. Using Turnwatcher on my laptop and displaying the player's HUD on my TV has taken my game to a new level! I've reduced the time it takes to run com...
Turn Watcher™ was designed for the d20 rules and the initiative and combat rules of all the d20 games, Dungeons & Dragons or Modern or any other time frame will all work just fine.
Of course... The website looks quite heroic fantasy. That's just because that's what we like best.