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Roleplaying Tips Weekly #492

In this issue:

  • 4 Best Ways To Handle Town Guards
  • Character Development Template
  • Johnn Four's GM Guide Books

Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #492

4 Best Ways To Handle Town Guards


Roleplaying Tips Weekly #491

When Players Cheat: Game Master Tips to Keep Them In Line

This week's article is a tricky one. I debated putting it in the ezine. I haven't gamed with a cheater in decades.

However, I know other GMs are plagued with players who take the game too seriously, who hate to lose, or who have low self-confidence.

--Johnn Fourr

Roleplaying Tips Weekly #490

Superheroes Tips Series, Final Part

Readers chime in with good advice about Big Boss Guys and more sources of GM superhero inspiration. Johnn rambles  on about why GMs fear game preparation so much. A guest author tells us a bit about Medieval peddlers and merchants.


Roleplaying Tips Weekly #489

GM's Guide To Adventure Writing

Old school advice means tough love for PCs and GMs, 
but a compelling and challenging game because of it. 
Plus a new contest. Send in your pick pockets contents
ideas for a software giveaway.

A small graphic marking the end of the paragraph

Roleplaying Tips Weekly #488

GMing Gods, Demons And Immortals

Tips on running encounters with all-powerful beings. 
Plus tips on how to prepare for game sessions using my loopy method.

Roleplaying Tips Weekly #487

Superheroes Tips Series Part 2: Super Tips For Beginners

You can't run a superhero game and not read comic books. Better yet, read comic books that feature superhero teams.

Roleplaying Tips Weekly #486

Roll-Play And Role-Play

Readers respond to a tips request on how to add panache
to dice rolls and results.

Roleplaying Tips Weekly #485

The Care And Feeding Of Your GM

Tips for players to help their game master enjoy each session and keep running adventures for the group


Roleplaying Tips Weekly #484

How to Run a Better Superhero Game in 8 Easy Steps

Great advice and easy To Dos for the GM or player new to the superhero genre.

Game Master Tips and Tricks

Game Master Tips and Tricks

Four tips and tricks for Game Masters to help you improve your adventures!